Jeff Engler

Jeff Engler is truly worthy of a tribute. He is the instructor and lead farrier for the Walla Walla Community College Farrier Program, but also takes private clients. My horses and I are grateful to be on that list.

I moved from the “wet side” of Washington State to the “dry side” in 2002. Needless to say, that change could be seen in the feet of my two horses. The mare always had poor feet: flat soles and dished hooves. At the suggestion of many new friends, I signed on with Jeff Engler. And then, I got romanced away by an innovative method that seemed worth trying.

The quarter horse gelding did fine with the new approach. The mare developed hoof cracks, eventually in all four feet. I persisted for a year, unable to ride her, thinking that by the time a fully new hoof had grown out, we would be better off than ever. Not the case with this mare.

After X-rays, consults with two veterinarians and lots of reading, I took a big gulp and asked Jeff Engler to take me back as a client. He graciously agreed. He had quite the challenge ahead of him, but his knowledge, experience, persistence and patience paid off. He rebalanced her feet, and used pads, clips and fillers when needed. He restored her to soundness and maintained that for years. While that gelding was a horse probably anyone could trim and shoe, the beloved mare was one that only a few could successfully attend.

Jeff Engler is a professional in every aspect of his business. He is kind to horses and riders, patient and skilled. If you believe the old saying “no foot, no horse,” then you want the best farrier you can find. Jeff Engler is that farrier around here!

—Linda Brown 

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