American Farriers Journal
Friday's Farrier Facts & Figures

Allowing Dogs To Eat Hoof Scraps | Refusing Euthanasia

August 31, 2018

Do You Let Dogs Eat Hoof Scraps While You Are Working On A Horse?

Options % of Responding Farriers
Allow dogs to eat trimmings 54%
Depends on clients 28%
Don’t let dogs eat trimmings 18%

— 2012 American Farriers Journal electronic survey among farriers having dogs


Download Your 2025 Farrier Dog of the Year Calendar!

We are excited to present the 2025 Farrier Dog of the Year Calendar, showcasing the 12 finalists from our Dog of the Year Contest that earned the most votes and captured the hearts of the farrier community. Each month features a different winning dog, and is a wonderful keepsake for each day of the coming year.

Download Your Free Copy!

What Do You Do When You And A Vet Tell An Owner Their Laminitic Horse Needs To Be Euthanized And They Refuse?

Options % of Farriers

Work with the vet to seek a solution that keeps the horse
as comfortable as possible until the inevitable outcome occurs


Document your position to both the veterinarian and owner,
then walk away without further discussion


Walk away, but report the owner to local authorities if you
consider this behavior to be cruel to the horse


— 2017 American Farriers Journal email survey

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