American Farriers Journal
Press Release

AFA, FIA Announce Joint Management Agreement

June 18, 2020

The Board of Directors of the American Farrier’s Association (AFA) and Farrier Industry Association (FIA) are proud to announce a joint management agreement that will bring the two associations together under one roof. This agreement, which is designed to provide increased synergies between AFA members and the manufacturers, distributors and suppliers that support them, was signed by the presidents of both organizations on June 16, 2020.

“This is a very exciting time for both associations, and we have some plans that we are sure will bring the manufacturing and vendor side of the industry closer to our AFA members,” says Jon Johnson, president of the AFA. “A lot of work has gone into this merger and we hope you will join us in our excitement.”

Although the brands and identities of the AFA and FIA will remain unchanged, the two associations will be jointly managed to provide enhanced benefits, streamlined communications and increased education for the betterment of both groups.

“We truly believe that both associations will grow, thrive and continue the positive momentum that they have already established under this agreement,” says Martha Jones, executive director of the AFA. “I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together.”

The two associations will continue working together on the AFA annual convention, as well as on additional projects to align the organizations and provide increased benefits for their members.

“We certainly see this as groundbreaking,” says Chuck Milne, FIA president. “In fact, bringing the industry and farriers closer together is something we have all wanted to see for quite some time. I believe this agreement will directly benefit our organizations, both individually and collectively, as well.”