Millennial Veterinarians Lead in Social Media Usage | Acquire New Footcare Clients Through Referrals
Millennial Veterinarians Lead in Social Media Usage
Some 91% of veterinarians who are millennials (born between 1982 and 2004) make extensive use of social media in their animal health practices. Some 88% of generation X veterinarians use social media followed by 78% of baby boomers.
—2018 dvm 360 magazine survey on “What Vets Think”
Acquire New Footcare Clients Through Referrals
Consumers are four times more likely to buy services, such as foot-care work when referred by a friend. In addition, the lifetime value for a new referral customer is 16% higher than for non-referrals.
Make the most of your new client efforts by asking current customers to spread the word on your farrier work.
— Nielsen Research and Wharton School of Business
Friday's Farrier Facts & Figures is brought to you by the International Hoof-Care Summit.
The International Hoof-Care Summit is returning to the Duke Energy Center and Hyatt Regency in Cincinnati, Ohio Jan. 24-27, 2023, for 4 days of focused learning that will change your footcare practice forever. With over 75 hours of classes, roundtables, lectures, networking, camaraderie and the world’s largest hoof-care products trade show, the 20th annual Summit is the best way for you to learn successful techniques and business-building strategies from today’s top footcare experts. Network with hoof-care professionals from around the world and get ideas and advice to meet your specific needs and interests. Learn more and register here.