American Farriers Journal
Friday’s Farrier Facts & Figures

Top Concerns of Farriers All Over the World | What are the Hoof-Care Needs of Your Client’s Horses?

October 23, 2020

Top Concerns of Farriers All Over the World

Major farrier worries are about the same regardless of where you trim and shoe horses:

  • Risk of injury
  • Being unfairly blamed for lameness issues
  • Getting paid
  • Client loyalty
  • Rival farriers undercutting my prices
  • Camaraderie between farriers is disappearing
  • Too many young farriers coming into their territory

— Simon Curtis, New Market, England

What are the Hoof-Care Needs of Your Client’s Horses?

Footcare Options % of Farriers
Trimmed and shod year-round 37%
Trimmed and shod, but left barefoot in the winter 34%
Trimmed only 29%

— 2017 America Farriers Journal reader poll



IHCS 2023

Friday's Farrier Facts & Figures is brought to you by the International Hoof-Care Summit.

The International Hoof-Care Summit is returning to the Duke Energy Center and Hyatt Regency in Cincinnati, Ohio Jan. 24-27, 2023, for 4 days of focused learning that will change your footcare practice forever. With over 75 hours of classes, roundtables, lectures, networking, camaraderie and the world’s largest hoof-care products trade show, the 20th annual Summit is the best way for you to learn successful techniques and business-building strategies from today’s top footcare experts. Network with hoof-care professionals from around the world and get ideas and advice to meet your specific needs and interests. Learn more and register here.

Register today.