American Farriers Journal
This Week

Hoof-Care Highlights: The Week of October 25

October 28, 2020

Each day, American Farriers Journal encounters a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at an aspect of the equine industry. Our favorite content for "This Week" is aggregated here. We hope it offers a useful tip to improve your hoof-care business, expands your knowledge by giving you something new to ponder, or entertains you when you need a break most.   

Make a Pony Roadster

International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame farrier Craig Trnka demonstrates how to make a pony roadster. This shoe is on the specimen list for the World Championship Blacksmiths upcoming contest, the National Championship, which will take place Dec. 2-5 in Fort Worth, Texas. Getting this shoe to come to size is tricky, but Trnka has some helpful tips that he shares in this video.


Manage Aches and Pains with Simple Stretches

Farriers are athletes and to stay healthy for a long period of time they need to take care of their bodies. Brock, Texas, farrier Lee Olsen, shares some basic, fundamental stretching techniques that he relies on to stay in optimum physical health in this video.



How Wet-Dry Cycles Affect the Hoof

Winter is coming and with it comes the rain and mud and boggy fields. The reality is in the wild horses would never choose to stand in saturated ground, they would roam and find more suitable grazing areas. In a recent blog, Equine Documentalist Yogi Sharp addresses what farriers should know about the effects of the wet and often wet-dry cycles on horses feet.

For Clients: Understanding Metabolic and Cushing’s Syndrome

If you have clients with overweight, insulin resistant or laminitic horses, you may want to tell them about this free webinar offered by For the Love of the Horse on Nov. 8. Dr. Phoebe Smith will explore the causes of metabolic disease and explain how to keep horses healthy without putting them at risk. 


How to Diagnose and Treat Laminitis

In this episode of Farrier Focus podcast, International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member Dr. Doug Butler explains laminitis and how a farrier can recognize its symptoms, diagnose, and treat it. He also explains how farriers and veterinarians should work together to explain the treatment and care to horse owners. 


Check out "This Week" from Oct. 18 for other interesting information found from around the web. Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.