American Farriers Journal
Friday’s Farrier Facts & Figures

Lots Of Hoof-Care Product Purchases | 10 Ways Horse Owners Can Improve Hoof Health

July 16, 2021

Lots Of Hoof-Care Product Purchases

The typical full-time farrier purchases $21,683 in basic footcare supplies in a year’s time.

— 2020 American Farriers Journal Business Practices survey

10 Ways Horse Owners Can Improve Hoof Health

Horse owners can have a great influence on the health of their horse’s hoof. Good quality hooves make the farrier’s life easier and, most importantly, the horse’s life better. These include:

  1. Regular and scheduled hoof-care from a professional.
  2. Clean out stall bedding daily.
  3. Well-drained turnout areas lead to better quality hoof horn.
  4. Wood shavings used as bedding keeps hoof horn at an optimum level.
  5. Clean and dry the hooves after exercise.
  6. Ensure that your farrier has a nationally recognized qualification.
  7. A well-balanced diet produces strong hoof horn.
  8. Treat thrush immediately and persist until it is gone.
  9. When breeding, investigate the hooves of both parents.
  10. Show your hoof care professional that you take an interest in the hooves of your horses.

Simon Curtis, Newmarket, England

IHCS 2023

Friday's Farrier Facts & Figures is brought to you by the International Hoof-Care Summit.

The International Hoof-Care Summit is returning to the Duke Energy Center and Hyatt Regency in Cincinnati, Ohio Jan. 24-27, 2023, for 4 days of focused learning that will change your footcare practice forever. With over 75 hours of classes, roundtables, lectures, networking, camaraderie and the world’s largest hoof-care products trade show, the 20th annual Summit is the best way for you to learn successful techniques and business-building strategies from today’s top footcare experts. Network with hoof-care professionals from around the world and get ideas and advice to meet your specific needs and interests. Learn more and register here.

Register today.