Horse Owners Changing Farriers | How Owners are Involved in the Horse Industry
Among 1,475 Horse Owners …
53% had changed farriers in the past 3 years.
47% didn’t change farriers in the past 3 years.
— 2020 American Farriers Journal survey on why horse owners change farriers
How Owners are Involved in the Horse Industry
Among horse owners, 21% also identify themselves as barn/farm managers. Some 14% also identified as riding instructors, 15% as horse trainers and 13% as horse breeders.
Some 58% indicate they are pleasure riders while only one-third ride competitively.
— 2018 American Horse Publications Equine Industry Survey of 9,012 horse owners sponsored by Zoetis
Friday's Farrier Facts & Figures is brought to you by the International Hoof-Care Summit.
The International Hoof-Care Summit is returning to the Duke Energy Center and Hyatt Regency in Cincinnati, Ohio Jan. 24-27, 2023, for 4 days of focused learning that will change your footcare practice forever. With over 75 hours of classes, roundtables, lectures, networking, camaraderie and the world’s largest hoof-care products trade show, the 20th annual Summit is the best way for you to learn successful techniques and business-building strategies from today’s top footcare experts. Network with hoof-care professionals from around the world and get ideas and advice to meet your specific needs and interests. Learn more and register here.