American Farriers Journal
Farrier Tips
Farrier Justin Fry places grip on tool handle

Justin Fry demonstrates placing a rubber grip on a tool handle coated with hair spray as a lubricant.

Get a Better Grip on Tool Handles

September 3, 2021

Anyone who’s tried to slide a snug rubber grip onto a tool handle knows it can be frustrating. Justin Fry has a tip to ease this task that he learned from working in a bicycle shop as a teenager. The Crosslakes, Minn., farrier and tool manufacturer says this will help get the grip on — and keep it there.

Before trying to slide the rubber grip on, spray the handle with a light, but thorough, coating of hair spray. Any aerosol hairspray will do.

“Just like bicycle handlebar grips, these can be difficult to slide on,” says Fry. “The hair spray acts as a lubricant. And within 15 minutes, the grip will be stuck to the handle like glue.”

This tip works on metal and wood handles.

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher of American Farriers Journal.