Online Extras: November 2021
November 12, 2021
This page lists material that supplements the March issue of American Farriers Journal.
Gain more insight on the Pro Act
- Reading the Employment Law Guide, which describes the major statutes and regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that affect businesses and workers.
- Reading “Proposed Federal Legislation Promises Farrier Hiring Changes,” which provides an overview of the Pro Act.
Supplement to "Federal Legislation Could Force Tough Worker Choices" on page 22
2022 International Hoof-Care Summit Mail-In
- Watch a video of Craig Trnka discussing and making this specimen shoe.
- Download the Enter Form
Supplement to "Gaited Toe Weight Shoe Tests Skill, Delivers Practicality" on page 30
Social Media
- Getting VIP access for the Farrier Business Success Academy to watch “9 Easy Ways to Immediately Improve Your Business.”
- Reading “Reputations Suffer When Facebook Goes Awry,” in which a Farriers Registration Council official warned United Kingdom farriers about professionalism while engaging in social media.
- Reading “Educate and Attract Clients with Social Media,” in which Rosevine, Texas, farrier Ralph Hampton shares how he uses Facebook to engages current and potential clients.
Supplement to "Avoid the Pitfalls of Social Media" on page 58