American Farriers Journal
Friday’s Farrier Facts & Figures

How Lame Horses are Used by Owners | Which Horse Expenses Increased the Most in 2021?

January 7, 2022

How Lame Horses are Used by Owners

Usage % of Farriers
Backyard* 77%
Trail, recreational 70%
Hunters, jumpers 56%
Dressage 52%
Western performance 44%
Eventing 42%
Barrel racing 37%
Miniatures 26%
Endurance 22%
Reiners 18%
Thoroughbreds (breeding) 15%
Draft 14%
Ranch, feedlot 52%
Cutting 14%
Thoroughbreds (racing) 13%
Halter 12%
Harness racing (Standardbreds) 6%

*Retired, not ridden, etc.

— 2019 American Farriers Journal lameness survey

Which Horse Expenses Increased the Most in 2021?

Costs % of Owners
Feed 64%
Veterinary services 41%
Animal health products 39%
Barn supplies 22%
Fuel 22%
Farrier services 21%
Boarding costs 17%

— 2021 American Horse Publications Equine Industry Survey sponsored by Zoetis