American Farriers Journal
News & Notes

U.S. Hunter Jumper Association Seeks Farriers’ Opinions

September 19, 2022

The United States Hunter Jumper Association’s (USHJA) Horse and Rider Advocates (HRA) Committee is seeking farrier input in a survey about shoe pulling under saddle classes at competitions.

“The HRA Committee has been tasked with providing education to the membership about the importance of making safe and appropriate shoeing decisions for riding/showing horses,” according to the committee. “The Horse and Rider Advocates hope that surveying farriers for their input on the practice and their recommendations for thoughtful shoeing and hoof care would help the committee better provide education about the practice and more appropriately respond to member concerns.”

Survey responses are anonymous and answers will be used for educational purposes only. To participate in the survey, visit the 2022 USHJA Farriers’ Survey.