American Farriers Journal
Farrier Tips

Sizing Up Heel, Quarter Measurements

August 3, 2012

During a 2002 clinic in Minnesota, Bob Marshall shared a method he says will work on most symmetrical hooves.

“You take a ruler and measure across the heels at the base of the frog,” he says, demonstrating with a preserved hoof model (Figure 1). “Then you let the ruler fall forward across the hoof and measure the distance between the quarters at that point (Figure 2).”

The International Horseshoeing Hall Of Famer from Mission, British Columbia, says forging a shoe to those heel and quarter dimensions usually results in a perfect fit.  See figures below.

Measuring Hoof

Figure 1: Bob Marshall demonstrates his hoof measurement method. He first measures the heels at the base of the frog.

Measuring Hoof

Figure 2: Marshall lets the ruler fall forward across the foot and measures the distance between the quarters at the position of the top of the ruler.

Measuring Hoof

Figure 3: Marshall forges a symmetrical shoe to the heel and quarters measurements he has taken.

Measuring Hoof

Figure 4: The finished shoe.

Measuring Hoof

Figure 5: The finished shoe on the hoof. Note the fit.

Marshall's tip was featured in the July/August issue of American Farriers Journal in a collection of shoe-fitting tips.

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