Preparation Before Gluing On A Shoe
Whether you are an old hand or a novice, potential problems can derail your best gluing efforts. Here are some of them.
You need complete cooperation from the horse. Depending on the method you choose, the horse may need to stand with its foot raised for at least 5 minutes. If you have a horse that is fractious or nervous, it may be necessary to have it sedated before working on it. DormoSedan is my drug of choice. A veterinarian should administer it intravenously.
Even a quiet horse will sometimes fight to put down its foot. Often horses will allow you to keep their foot up longer if you hold it from the side, rather than between your knees. In the event of a struggle, wrapping the leg with Vetrap will keep you from getting adhesive on the horse’s leg.
- A clean and dry foot is essential to successful gluing. If the horse is in a wet environment, it is best to confine it to a dry, clean stall a day or two before gluing to let the foot dry out. I have successfully glued shoes on feet that were wet and muddy, but I had to spend a lot more time drying them up.
- A clean, dry work environment makes the project much easier and increases the chances of success.
- Ambient temperature is a huge factor, as all adhesives are temperature sensitive. Colder temperatures slow curing time. Hotter ones speed it up. It may be necessary to either warm or cool the adhesive, depending on the day. Optimal temperatures are from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. As you get farther from the optimal temperature, set-up time will be more affected.
Read more about glueing options in the November 2013 edtion of American Farriers Journal.