American Farriers Journal

AAPF/CAPF Farrier Needs Assistance

December 20, 2013


December 20, 2013

We have recently learned that one of our members, Beth Lewis of Lee, New Hampshire had a horse toss her to the side and has dislocated her left patella (knee cap), has a grade three sprain to her MCL and LCL. Lee, NH is located in the southeast corner of the state and about 60 miles from Boston, Mass.

The AAPF/CAPF Farriers Assistance Committee is currently seeking volunteers who would be willing to lend a hand to help Beth in shoeing her client's horses. Horses in her book of business include dressage, endurance, eventing, hunter/jumper, western and general pleasure. It appears that Beth will be out of commission through the end of January 2014.

If you're interested in lending a hand, offering financial assistance or learning more about this opportunity to assist a fellow farrier, please contact Doug Workman APF CJF at 706-892-7331. or or Bryan Quinsey at 859-533-1465 or

Thank you for considering this request at this special time of the year.

P.S. If you want to send Beth a check - please send directly to her at 36 Tenney Road, Sandown, NH 03873.