New Hanton Glue-On Horsehoes Will Change The Way You Think About Protecting Horses' Feet
Broadline Farrier Solutions is proud to introduce the all-new Hanton Glue-On Horseshoes. With their elegant and innovative design by expert farriers, Hanton Horseshoes represent the next generation in hoof protection which can be used for horses of all breeds and disciplines, whether on the racetrack, in the show ring, or in the field.
Traditional horse shoes, whether applied with nails or glue, have drawbacks to their use which can affect the long term health of a horse's foot as well as performance. Nails create small holes, damaging and weakening hooves, while most glue-on shoes lock in the back of the horse's foot with glue, restricting the heels from being able to flex and absorb the shock from each footfall. Applying shoes with traditional glueing methods can also be a time-consuming and expensive process for farriers, increasing the amount of time he or she must work on each horse as well as the cost involved.
But Hanton Horseshoes are different. The secret to their success is the unique tab design, which allows the horse's foot to be protected without sacrificing natural function. "The shape and size of these tabs allow the shoe to be applied in a variety of different ways to best suit each individual horse," explained co-founder and farrier Pat Broadus. The primary application method is to apply the shoe with no glue whatsoever from the widest part of the foot back: only the front of the shoe and the tabs themselves are glued to the front half of the hoof. Therefore the heels aren't "locked in" with glue, allowing the back of the foot to flex and take concussion the way it's meant to. However, in some situations a farrier may opt to apply glue to the entire shoe, or include nails in the application of the Hanton Shoe. The design, size, and placement of the clips allow the shoe to be attached with as few as a single nail on each side of the foot, or with as many nails as the farrier chooses to use depending upon the individual case.
"The important thing is that these shoes provide plenty of options," Broadus said. "Also, the design of our shoes allows the farrier to place the shoe on the hoof and then set it down on the ground while the glue dries. Because the horse is standing on it, his own weight fills in any small gaps and squeezes out extra glue, so the shoe sits as it should and dries in the most natural position possible. The combination of where the glue is placed and the method by which it dries allows a shod hoof to achieve the maximum shock-absorbing capacity possible and the hoof mechanism can function naturally. It also reduces the amount of time necessary for a farrier to finish shoeing each horse."
After decades of utilizing traditional farrier techniques, Broadus and Broadline Farrier Solutions co-founder Matt Spoerlein were inspired to make a change after realizing there had to be a better way to shoe horses. "After a decade of pursuing and tweaking this design concept, we believe we've figured out how to improve on what nature intended a hoof to do," explained Spoerlein. "These shoes allow the foot to function as freely as possible, they're not invasive, and they don't compromise the integrity of the foot, thereby allowing it to be as strong as it could be. Also, it was important to us to provide a product that was simple to use and utilized quick application techniques, making farriers' jobs easier."
While Hanton Horseshoes are burning up the Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racetracks from coast to coast, they're not just for racing. Hanton Horseshoes are also popular for sport horses: they can be made to accommodate studs, and the patent-pending tab design helps keep the shoe secure on the foot through the toughest athletic demands, often exceeding the performance of traditional shoes. Hanton Horseshoes are ideal for therapeutic use as well, as they can be welded for any needed modification (such as custom bar shoes). And they're safe: if a horse does pull a shoe, the special tabs are designed to pull away and simply roll over if the horse steps on it - there are no nails to impale a foot or tear out chunks of hoof wall.
Event rider Erin Pullen of Go Big Eventing in Shelbyville, Ky. is just one of many happy customers. "After one of our horses had his Hanton Horseshoes put on, the difference was night and day," explained Pullen. "He had weak, thin, shelly walls and we were running into all sorts of trouble with trying to keep traditional shoes on him. But with the Hanton Horseshoes, his feet have made a dramatic turn around. In addition, they easily stay on for five weeks out in the elements, including mud and hard, dry ground, all without any problem. Even better, because his feet are now so comfortable, he was able to stay in consistent training and even recently compete in a horse trial. Thank you Hanton Horseshoes!"
Broadline Farrier Solutions invites all horsemen and women to visit their new website and online store at to learn more about the innovative design, read testimonials, view instructional videos, and easily order Hanton Horseshoes online to try for themselves. "Glue-on shoes are often thought of as only being used for horses with 'bad feet'. We want to change that," Broadus said. "With Hanton Horseshoes, we hope to help make glue-on shoes mainstream. We want this to be the new 'normal' way to shoe horses."
For more information about Hanton Glue-On Horseshoes, visit
Broadline Farrier Solutions is proud to partner with Victory Racing Plate. For 85 years the name VICTORY has been synonymous with innovation, performance and dependability. All Hanton Horseshoe designs use VICTORY products.