Mail-In Forging Exercise Winners, Participants Enjoy Valuable Prizes And Gifts
July 1, 2003
THE FARRIERS entered in the fourth annual mail-in forging exercise, co-sponsored by the Calgary Stampede’s World Championship Blacksmiths’ Competition and American Farriers Journal, have various reasons for entering the contest. Many savor competition and want to win. Some want to showcase their talents, while some see an opportunity to practice their forging skills and have their shoes critiqued by experts. Others enjoy flexing their creative muscles or trying something
new. A few simply want to get involved in the international farrier community.
In the end, though, all the entrants will enjoy the tangible rewards that come with their participation. Each of them receives a series of gifts with a total value of approximately $225 for forging the Scottish hind preventer shoe.
$45 Gift Certificate
Contestants will select $45 worth of the Equine Forgings Ltd. products of their choice. Equine Forgings offers the largest horseshoe selection in the world, with more than 900 varieties to choose from. The company has more than 60 years of tool and die machine design experience, yet prides itself on listening carefully to farriers about their needs.
Equine Forgings Ltd., 577 Industrial Dr., Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5M4 Canada. Phone: (800) 268-2958 or (905) 871-7882. Fax: (905) 871-5481. E-mail: equine@equineforgings.com. Web site: www.equineforgings.com.
$25 Gift Certificate
All contestants will choose $25 worth of merchandise from Maverick Farrier Products. Maverick offers Sole Savers, a unique, three-point support, heat-treated
spring alloy inlay running from the toe through the center and out to the heels. Sole Savers are designed to stimulate circulation and provide relief for a sore-footed equine.
Maverick Farrier Products, P.O.Box 52, Buffalo, NY 14209. Phone: (800) 263-1158 or (905) 894-5150. Fax: (905) 894-8470. E-mail: maverick@maverickprod.com. Web site: www.maverickprod.com.
$25 Gift Certificate
Participants can choose the prize of their choice from Centaur Forge, maker of the popular “Bonnie” hoof knives and other high-quality items. Centaur markets a wide range of gear, from anvils and aprons to toe clips, tools and much more.Centaur Forge LLC, 117 N. Spring St., Burlington, WI 53105. Phone: (800) 666-9175 or (262) 763-9175. Fax: (262) 763-8350. E-mail: mkeane@centaurforge.com. Web site: www.centaurforge.com.
Shoeing Nails
Each participant will receive a 250-count box of nails from Capewell Horsenails. Capewell has been leading the nail industry since its founding in 1881. Capewell also uses its metalworking expertise and knowledge of the farrier business to produce high-grade horseshoes and tools.
Capewell Horsenails Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@capewellhorsenails.com. Web site: www.capewellhorsenails.com.
Grand Prix Rasp
All contestants will receive a Grand Prix rasp from Mustad Inc. Now 167 years old, the company strives to provide products of superior quality to ease the job of farriers in maintaining horse soundness. Mustad stays in close contact with farriers to better understand their needs.
Mustad Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@mustadinc.com. Web site: www.mustadinc.com.
Shoeing Reports
American Farriers Journal will send each participant three Special Shoeing Reports, including “The 25 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Laminitis and Founder,” “5 Shoes, One Shoeboard” and “They Shoe Horses, Don’t They?,” as well as copies of Centennial Farm (368 pages) and The Farm Weather Handbook (152 pages).
American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624. Phone: (800) 645-8455 or (262) 782-4480. Fax: (262) 782-1252. E-mail: info@lesspub.com. Web site: www.americanfarriers.com.
The Winners Await...
The top 25 finishers will share in a pool of valuable prizes. For a list of the winners and a World Championship Blacksmiths’ Competition report, look for the September/October issue of American Farriers Journal or watch our Web site at www.americanfarriers.com.
What we already know for sure is that the prizes include the kind of high-quality equipment and supplies that any farrier would be glad to claim. The prizes for the
25 winning shoes include:
20 Canvas Tool Bags
Twenty of the top finishers will receive a canvas tool bag from Capewell Horsenails and Mustad Inc.20 Canvas Tool BagsTwenty of the top finishers will receive a
canvas tool bag from Capewell Horsenails and Mustad Inc.The durable bag carries and protectsup to 12 shoeing tools. Capewell and Mustad strive to provide products of superior quality to ease the job of farriers in maintaining horse soundness.
Capewell Horsenails Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@
capewellhorsenails.com. Web site: www.capewellhorsenails.com.Mustad Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@mustadinc.com. Web site: www.mustadinc.com.
$100 Gift Certificate
The full catalog of horseshoes is open to the winner of this gift certificate from one of the leading suppliers to the farrier industry. Equine Forgings offers the largest horseshoe selection in the world, with more than 900 products to choose from. The company has more than 60 years of tool and die machine design, yet prides itself on listening to farriers about their specific shoeing needs.
Equine Forgings Ltd., 577 Industrial Dr., Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5M4 Canada. Phone: (800) 268-2958 or (905) 871-7882. Fax: (905) 871-5481. E-mail: equine@equineforgings.com. Web site: www.equineforgings.com.
School Tuition For Two
One top winner will receive a week’s tuition for two people at a horseshoeing or blacksmithing course at Chris Gregory’s Heartland Horseshoeing School. The specialty courses attract shoers and blacksmiths from across the country to the Lamar, Mo., school.
Heartland Horseshoeing School, 327 S.W. 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759. Phone: (417) 682-6896. Fax: (417) 682-6394. E-mail: horseshoe@tiadon.com.
Desktop Hoof Model
A cross-section model of an equine hind limb, from the lower cannon bone through the hoof capsule, will be provided to one of winners. The model is freeze dried to preserve the soft tissue. The major tendons have been colored and the bones numbered for easy identification. Useful as a display or as a teaching tool with shoeing clients.
Horse Science-Horse Sense, P.O. Box 221, West Boxford, MA 01885. Phone: (978) 352-6336. Fax: (978) 352-5238. E-mail: horsescience@attbi . com .
Web site: www.horsescience.com.
Farrier’s Formula Refills
Ten winners will receive 11-pound refill packages of Farrier’s Formula from Life Data Labs. Farrier’s Formula helps fight thrush, white line disease and other
common hoof ailments.
Life Data Labs Inc., P.O. Box 349, Cherokee, AL 35616. Phone: (800) 624-1873 or (256) 370-7555. Fax: (256) 370-7509. E-mail: cservice@lifedatalabs.com. Web site: www.lifedatalabs.com.
Super Dura Apron
One of the winning entrants will receive a high-quality Super Dura Apron from Grand Circuit Products.
Grand Circuit Products, 920 Rt. 33 Bldg. 7, Freehold, NJ 07728. Phone: (732) 462-3553 or (800) 872-6845. Fax: (732) 462-3464. E-mail: grandcircuit@aol.com. Web site: www.grandcircuitproducts.com.
Hoof Pack Supply
An 8-pound box of hoof packing from E.H. Hall Westan goes to one winning farrier. The packing is leather-based, easy to use, won’t shift, protects the hoof, won’t crush the heels, allows moisture to penetrate evenly, holds medication well and is environmentally safe.
E.H. Hall, P.O. Box 308, West Boxford, MA 01885. Phone:(800) 462-9696. Fax: (800) 443-4646. E-mail: dafaulk1@aol.com. Web site: www.westan.com.
$50 Gift Certificate
One contestant will be presented with $50 worth of supplies from Maverick Farrier Products, a trusted supplier to farriers and provider of the patented Sole Savers foot support inlay.
Maverick Farrier Products, P.O. Box 52, Buffalo, NY 14209. Phone: (800) 263-1158 or (905) 894-5150. Fax: (905) 894-8470. E-mail: maverick@maverickprod. com . Web site: www.maverickprod.com.
Tuff Stuff
The winners will share a supply of Tuff Stuff hoof-care products from Mustad Inc. The company’s commitment to product and service excellence has helped it thrive for more than 100 years.
Mustad Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@mustadinc.com. Web site: www.mustadinc.com.
$50 Gift Certificates
Ten top finishers will earn $50 worth of horseshoes from Thoro’Bred Racing Plate Co. Throro’Bred produces a wide range of aluminum and steel shoes, as well as superior pads that help ensure comfort and performance.
Thoro’Bred Racing Plate Co., 5020 E. LaPalma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807. Phone: (800) 854-6059 or (714) 779-2581. Fax: (714) 779-1582. E-mail: Thorobred@pobox.com. Web site: www.horseshoes.com/thorobred.
Cavalry Hammers
Three winners will each be awarded a 14-ounce Cavalry Mule Hammers from NC Tool Co. Proper balance is one of the strong points of Cavalry hammers, and
the round-nosed Cavalry Mule model is exceptional for bending clinches.
NC Tool Company, 6133 Hunt Rd., Pleasant Garden, NC 27313. Phone: (800) 446-6498 or (336) 674-5654. Fax: (336) 674-9991. E-mail: nctool@bellsouth.net .
Web site: www.nctoolco.com.
$50 Gift Certificate
One winner will collect $50 worth of supplies from Meader Supply Corp. Meader offers a wide array of farrier products through its 86-page catalog. The company also offers a full catalog of tack and harness products.
MeaderSupplyCorp.,23 Meaderboro Rd., Rochester, NH 03867. Phone: (800) 446-7737 or (603) 332-3032. Fax: (603) 332-2775. E-mail: mdrspply@tiac.net. Web site: www.meadersupply.com.
Case Of Nails
One winner will earn a 25-pound case of Slim Save-Edge nails from TRG Tool Co., a company long associated with quality products for the farrier industry.
TRG Tool/File Co, 360 W. Church St., Xenia, OH 45385. Phone: (800) 828-8298 or (937) 376-8268. Fax: (937) 376-8052. E-mail: saveedge@aol.com.com. Web site: www.saveedge.com.
$100 Gift Certificates
Ten of the top shoers will be rewarded with $100 worth of products of their choosing from Vettec Inc. The company’s high-quality, quick-setting polyurethane products in the Equi-Thane line are a popular choice of farriers for hoof repairs and adhesive needs.
Vettec Inc., 600 Hueneme Rd., Oxnard, CA 93033. Phone: (800) 483-8832. Fax: (805 488-2266. E-mail:duxoffice@duxsales.com. Web site: www.
Shoeing Apron
One farrier will receive a shoeing apron from Valley Farrier Supply as a reward for his or her forging accomplishment.Valley Farrier Supply has been in business for more than 20 years as a full-line supplier and maintains the Northwest’s largest inventory of horseshoeing supplies.
Valley Farrier Supply, 21383 Yeoman Rd., Beaver Creek, OR 97004. Phone: (503) 632-4366 or (800) 433-0852. Fax: (503) 632-4623. E-mail: vfsvft@bctonline.com. Web site: www.vfsvft.com.
$50 Gift Certificates
Ten of the top finishers will choose $50 worth of products from St. Croix Forge, producer of a wide range of high-quality steel and aluminum horseshoes and
hand tools for the farrier industry.
S t . Croix Forge, P.O.Box 518, Forest Lake, MN 55025. Phone: (800) 966-33668 or (651) 464-8967. Fax: (651) 4648213. E-mail: info@stcroixforge.com. Web site: www.stcroixforge.com.
Shoeing Apron
One winning participant will earn a Sparky shoeing apron from Eastern Equine & Farrier Supplies. This Myron McLane brand apron is made of cotton duck cloth and chap leather. It features double stitching, top-quality hook-and-loop fasteners and elastic gatherers on the waist strap.
Eastern Equine & Farrier Supplies and Myron McLane Aprons, 502 Bedford St., Fall River, MA 02720. Phone: (800) 200-2777 or (508) 675-2983. Fax: (508)
677-9415. E-mail: amclane1@aol.com.
Leather Pads
Twelve pairs of No. 4 leather pads from E.H. Hall will be presented to a winning farrier. The pads conform to the hoof for a custom fit, keeping out foreign materials. Because the leather breathes, the hoof sweats less and decreases the opportunity for thrush. The pads also increase traction, reducing the likelihood of slipping injuries.
E.H. Hall/Westan, P.O. Box 308, West Boxford, MA 01885. Phone: (800) 462-9696. Fax: (800) 443-4646. E-mail: dafaulk1@aol.com. Web site: www.westan.com.
Nutritional Supplement
Twenty-four winning contestants will be sent a 1-pound package of Right Balance, a specially formulated equine nutritional supplement designed by Mustad for better hooves and healthier coats.
Mustad Inc., 1404 Blue Hills Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. Phone: (888) 869-1804 or (860) 242-3650. Fax: (860) 242-0442. E-mail: info@mustadinc.com. Web site: www.mustadinc.com.
Rasp Sets
Six fortunate farriers will receive rasp sets and handles from Simonds Industries. Simonds Red Tang files are recognized as the standard for quality in the industry. The company’s rasps and files are precision cut for uniform tooth height and sharpness, heat-treated for maximum hardness to extend file life, and individually inspected and tested.
Simonds Industries Inc., 135 Intervale Rd., P.O. Box 500, Fitchburg, MA 01420. Phone: (800) 343-1616 or (978) 343-3731. Fax: (800) 541-6224 or (978) 343-3571. Web site: www.simonds.cc.
Navicular Horseshoes
Ten top winners will receive a pair of TFT navicular horseshoes from Tamsea/TFT. These rocker toe shoes are designed to provide relief for horses suffering from chronic navicular disease.
Tamsea/TFT, P.O. Box 687, 3650 Silver City Hwy., Deming, NM 88030. Phone: (800) 441-7463 or (505) 546-2413. Fax: (505) 546-1145. E-mail: tft@swnm.com.
Hoof Health Aids
Six entrants will receive packages of Nu-Foot concentrate , designed to promote healthy hoof growth, and Fungidye topical solution, made to stop the growth of white line disease. Both products are from Farrier Science Clinic.
Farrier Science Clinic, 2996 Millville-Shandon Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013. Phone: (513) 738-0010. Fax: (513) 738-2996. E-mail: farrier_science_clinic@fuse.net.
Web site: www.farrierscienceclinic.com. or www.hoofdisease.com.
Adhesive Hoof Repair
Five farriers will each receive a cartridge of tan Equilox from Equilox Int’l. Supplies. This is a patented, permanent adhesive hoof compound for durable repairs of hoof wall defects.
Equilox Int’l. Farrier Supplies, 110 N.E. 2nd St., Pine Island, MN 55963. Phone: (800) 551-4394 or (507) 356-2255. Fax: (507) 356-4224. E-mail: equilox123@aol.com. Web site: www.equilox.com.
$50 Gift Certificate
One winning farrier will choose $50 worth of materials from Ken Davis & Sons Inc. The Ohio-based supplier has provided all major brands of horseshoes, horseshoeing tools and hoof-related supplies since 1954.
Ken Davis & Sons, 367 E. Blagrove St., Richwood, OH 43344. Phone: (800) 421-3109 or (740) 943-2335. Fax: (740) 943-2253 E-mail: kendavis@ken-davis.com. Web site:www.ken-davis.com.
Farrier’s Web Site
The Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Center will help one fortunate farrier set up and manage a business Web site for a year. The company also will host the site for free and show the farrier how to get the most from the site content rather than relying on gimmicks.
The Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Center, 1265 Ash Lane, Lebanon, PA 17042. Phone: (717) 279-6666. Fax: (603) 949-6647. E-mail: horseshoes@ horseshoes. com . Web site: www.horseshoes.com.
$50 Gift Certificates
Three top finishers will choose $50 worth of merchandise from Castle Plastics, a leading manufacturer of hoof pads. During the past 10 years, Castle Plastics has introduced many innovative products such as hospital pads, frog support kits, magnetic pads and egg bar pads.
Castle Plastics, 11 Francis St., Leominster, MA 01453. Phone: (800) or (978) 534-6220. Fax: (978) 534-9915. E-mail: castle@netplus.com. Web site: www.castleplastics.com.
$25 Gift Certificate
One winner will choose $25 worth of farrier supplies from the R.T. Duggan Co.R.T. Duggan Co., 6250 Riverdale Dr., Ramsey, MN 55303. Phone: (800) 257-5850
or (763) 427-5850. Fax: (763) 427-3395.
Ten of the top finishers will win a pair of plain TFT horseshoes from Tamsea/TFT.
Tamsea/TFT, P.O. Box 687, 3650 Silver City Hwy., Deming, NM 88030 Phone: (800) 441-7463 or (505) 546-2413. Fax: (505) 546-1145. E-mail: tft@swnm.com.
Forms Organizer
A 2004 Farrier Forms Organizer will be given to one of the top finishers. The faux leather-covered, three-ring binder includes a weekly planner, client list and expense reports, all featuring graphics that depict the farrier trade. The organizer also includes: an invoice book, a From The Farrier note pad, a client late-notice pad, an appointment pad, a calculator and a pen.
Farrier Forms, P.O. Box 221, Loxahatchee, FL 33470. Phone: (561) 793-9654. Fax 561-793-5544. E-mail: info@farrierforms.com
“Kitchen Sink” Package
One winner will receive the comprehensive “Kitchen Sink” collection of horseshoeing and farrier-related books from American Farriers Journal. The collection totals nearly 3,000 pages and offers guidance on virtually every issue of concern to farriers.
American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624. Phone: (800) 645-8455 or (262) 782-4480. Fax: (262) 782-1252. E-mail: info@lesspub.com. Web site: www.americanfarriers.com.
Classic Farrier Literature
American Farriers Journal will provide five winners with a set of its Farrier Classics Series books totaling 984 pages. These popular titles from the late 1800s
and early 1900s include: “Artistic Horseshoeing: A Manual For Farriers,” “The Art of Horseshoeing,” “The Cavalry Horseshoer’s Technical Manual,” “The Foot Of The Horse,” “The Horse’s Foot And How To Shoe It”and “The Art Of Shoeing And Balancing The Trotter.”
American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624. Phone : (800) 645 8455 or (262) 782-4480 Fax: (262) 782-1252. E-mail: info@lesspub.com. Web site: www.americanfarriers.com
Hoof Ointment
Eight winners will be awarded packs of Valentine Hoof Ointment , designed to maintain the natural content within the hoof. Used regularly, the ointment makes the hoof tough and flexible, prventing splits and cracked hooves. Used to treat brittle, ringy and shelly hooves, hard frog and contracted hooves.
W.F. Valentine & Co., 7633 Quackenbush Rd., Reading, MI 49274. Phone: (800) 331-6728 or (517) 283-3143. Fax: (517) 283-2997. E-mail: wfvalentine@dmci.net. Web site: www.horseshoes.com/supplies/alphabet/wfvalentine.