American Farriers Journal

Our Readers Share Their Best Farrier Business Time-Savers

July 1, 1999

As we were pulling together the information for this issue’s American Farriers Journal 25th Anniversary Special Report (pages 35 to 114), we also asked readers to list the biggest time-savers they’ve used in their businesses.

These 14 ideas were gathered from farriers which our staff talked with last winter at the Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium and the American Farrier’s Association annual convention.

1 A belt sander for grinding shoes, pads and cleaning up modified shoes is the best equipment time-saver used by Hilary Cloos of Millbrook, N.Y.

2 Shoeing out of a well-equipped trailer rather than a truck works best for Carl Hayden of Kensington, N.H.

3 More power tools and quicker shoeing work with a drill press and grinder is the top efficiency idea used by Lyle Stoner of Rochester, Wis.

4 A horse that is dry and clean when ready for shoeing really pays off for Jason Freeman of Seymour, Conn.

5 Pre-clipped front and hind shoes save considerable time in shaping shoes, adds Joel Hunt of Archdale, N.C.

6 Using a stall jack for much more efficient cold shoeing work on smaller feet really works for Jack Evers of Laramie, Wyo.

7 Expanding your shoeing skills can do more for your overall efficiency than anything else, maintains Dr. Stephen O’Grady of The Plains, Va.

8 Having a truck set up so everything is always within easy reach works for Steven Heishman of Fort Valley, Va.

9 A pager allows access to messages when Willis, Mich., shoer Susy Petit has the needed time to handle them without disturbing her shoeing schedule or family. Since the pager is equipped with voice mail, she encourages clients to leave messages if it is not an urgent problem and a phone number where they can be reached if it is urgent.

10 Using a 4 1/2 inch angle grinder and belt sander is another good timesaving idea from Joel Hunt.

11 Having all items that pull out of the shoeing rig adjusted specifically for his height is another time-saving idea from Steven Heishman.

12 Automatic scheduling of horses 6 to 8 weeks in the future really pays for William Correil of Millville, Pa.

13 Being on time for shoeing appointments ie the best time-saver used by Patrick Harmon of Jenkinsburg, Ga.

14 A laptop computer and printer carried in the shoeing truck pays off for Esco Buff of Webster, N.Y.
After recording hoof angles, quality, balance and other pertinent shoeing information on each horse, Buff prints a copy for the customer and leaves it at the barn.
Another copy goes into the file so that all information on every horse that he shoes can be easily accessed anytime the information is needed.

Frank lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.
