American Farriers Journal

Reader Service Cards Keep You Informed

November 1, 2014

When you need information on the latest in horseshoeing products, a Reader Service Card from American Farriers Journal is your link to suppliers.

Four of these useful cards are included in this 2015 Farrier Supplies And Services issue to help you quickly receive product information.

Yearlong Assistance

Hang onto these cards all year or use one now and others whenever you find yourself in need of product information.

If you use all four cards before we deal you a new hand with next year’s guide, you can still mail us a postcard listing the reader service numbers of the companies you would like information from, and we’ll take care of getting your request to the manufacturers and suppliers. Just be sure to include your full name and address, or send a business card along with the reader service numbers.

How To Use The Cards

Follow these simple steps to make these Reader Service Cards work for you.

1. Print your name and full address on the cards. Be sure to check the “occupation” box.

2. Tear out a card and keep it near you when you read this 32nd annual Farrier Supplies And Services issue. When you find the products that you’d like information about, just circle the corresponding numbers on the card.

3. Place a stamp on the card and mail it to us. After we receive it, we’ll forward your name and address to the suppliers of the products you circle. Manufacturers and suppliers will send the information directly to you.

Companies respond quickly to these requests because taking just a few minutes to complete and send a card shows them that you’re interested in their products. They know you need the information quickly to make an important business decision.

So help us to help you get that information quickly by filling out the cards correctly. Remember to keep the cards nearby as you refer again and again to this issue throughout the year.

Help Us Out

Our goal at American Farriers Journal is to make locating products, services and suppliers in this annual guide as easy as possible. You can help us do that.

If you have a suggestion about how to make this issue an even better guide to the products and services on which you rely all year long, please share those ideas by writing to us at American Farriers Journal, P.O. Box 624, Brookfield, WI 53008-0624.

If you mailed a Reader Service Card to us months ago and still haven’t received a response, please be persistent. Sometimes mistakes happen on our part, through the post office or with the companies that you requested product information.

Remember, the cards are also available online at the American Farriers Journal website at

If you haven’t received a response from us, go online or grab another card and circle the numbers of the products for which you’d like more information.

Occasionally, cards arrive so damaged that we can’t read them. Usually we can track you down with the postmark or part of your name and address. But even then, some of your circled numbers may have been lost.

We also receive cards from which address labels have fallen off in transit. Occasionally, cards have even arrived without a name and address.

These cards are your tickets to product information that can help you serve your clients and make you more money.

Think of them as a business investment and use them any time during the next 12 months. You’ll be glad you did!

If Your Requested Information Doesn’t Arrive

AFJ's 2015 farrier supplies and services