AAPF/CAPF Accepting Roy Bloom Scholarship Program Applications
By American Farriers Journal Staff
The American and Canadian Associations of Professional Farriers (AAPF/CAPF) is accepting applications for the new Roy Bloom Scholarship program.
The goal is to encourage farriers to pursue their continuing education by attending the International Hoof-Care Summit, as well as participating in the AAPF/CAPF mentoring program.
This new program will annually recognize three eligible farriers by providing each with a package that includes:
- Registration to the International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Transportation to the Summit (either by auto reimbursement or air travel).
- Lodging at the Summit (for 3 nights).
In addition, the program will select a Grand Prize winner from these three farriers who also will receive a 2- to 3-day opportunity to work with the AAPF/CAPF mentor of their choice. The program will pay for the transportation and lodging expenses of the Grand Prize winner to work with their selected mentor.
To qualify, applicants must:
- Be a full-time professional farrier for a maximum of 5 years.
- Be a current member of the AAPF/CAPF.
- Be a registered participant of the AAPF/CAPF mentoring program.
- Attend the AAPF/CAPF annual general membership meeting at the International Hoof-Care Summit.
- Submit an application, which will include a brief résumé.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from the mentor or mentee.
Each applicant will be required to complete a brief application and submit one of the following options:
- A detailed case study that the applicant has worked on with his or her mentor or mentee. It must be presented in a PowerPoint format. The case study must include photos of before and after shoeing; include at least three shoeing cycles; include thoughts and recommendations of the mentor and, if appropriate, the veterinarian.
- Same as above, but presented in essay format (not in PowerPoint). Photos and recommendations are required.
- A chronicle of the applicant’s life (journey) as a farrier, as well as the applicant’s relationship with mentor.
Applications, which must be submitted by Nov. 1, 2015, may be accessed by visiting ProfessionalFarrier.com.
To apply, visit professionalfarriers.com and submit your entry by Nov. 1, 2015. For more information, call 859-533-1465 or email AAPF@ProfessionalFarriers.com.