Norwegian Farrier Magne Delebekk Passes Away
By American Farriers Journal Staff
Norwegian farrier Magne Delebekk has passed away Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015, Mustad Nordic has confirmed. He was 54.
Delebekk was a consultant for Mustad Hoofcare Group for nearly a dozen years.
“It is unthinkable that he is not among us any longer,” according to a statement by Mustad Nordic. “We lost one of the greatest friends someone could have. For all of us who had the privilege to know him, knows that it is an unrecoverable loss.”
Hall Of Fame farrier Grant Moon, of Wales, a six-time world champion at the World Championship Blacksmiths Competition, met Delebekk for the first time at the Calgary Stampede.
“He was one of the first international farriers I met at Calgary and so many times since. He was a great farrier. May his anvil ring.”
Funeral arrangements are pending.