AAPF/IAPF Launches Credentialing Program
The American and International Associations of Professional Farriers (AAPF/IAPF) recently unveiled its credentialing program.
The AAPF/IAPF’s credentialing program is a two-step process — farrier foundation credential and discipline/specialty/breed credential.
Farrier Foundation Credential
To earn the farrier foundation credential, one must be a farrier who is a regular or student member of the AAPF/IAPF. In addition:
• A farrier must score 100% on a 350-question multiple-choice test while using the AAPF/IAPF Farrier Credentialing Study Guide that covers all aspects of farriery. The test must be completed within 1 year.
• After successfully completing the open-book test, the farrier earns 24 AAPF continuing education credits.
• There are no exemptions regardless of experience, certifications or endorsements.
• Those who successfully complete the farrier foundation credential qualify to move on to step two.
• The cost of the foundation credential is $100, which includes the study guide, questions and answer sheets.
Discipline / Specialty / Breed Credential
To qualify for step two, a farrier must successfully complete the farrier foundation credential and earned a minimum of 24 AAPF continuing education credits in the previous year. More details will be announced.
To learn more or to register for the AAPF/IAPF foundation credential, contact Bryan Quinsey at aapf@professionalfarriers.com or call 859-533-1465.