American Farriers Journal
News & Notes

AAPF/IAPF Reorganizes, Opens Board Election

December 18, 2016

After successfully implementing its new credentialing program in 2016, more changes are on tap for the American and International Associations of Professional Farriers in the coming year.

The AAPF/IAPF recently announced that it will be reducing the number of directors on its board, as well as the number of committees.

Currently, the board consists of four officers — president, vice president, treasurer and immediate past president — and nine directors. With three directors retiring in February — Brent Brown of Northport, Maine; James Gilchrist of Wellington, Fla.; and Shane Westman of Davis, Calif. — only two new directors will be elected to the board. The AAPF/IAPF will continue to gradually reduce the number of directors until 2020 when they intend to have four officers and six directors.

Voting has opened for the two vacant director positions. Gary Gatts of Fredericktown, Pa., and Darren Owen of Suffolk, Va., are the candidates. The terms will begin in 2017 and will conclude in 2020.

AAPF/IAPF members may cast their ballots by midnight Dec. 31. Members will need their username and password to cast a ballot.

The board also approved the merger of some committees and reduced the overall number from 14 to six. The following will be merged:

• The Alliances and Credentialing Committee will become the Credentialing Committee.

• The Accreditation, Continuing Education and Online Education Committees will become the Education Committee.

• The Mentoring, Nominating & Elections and Roy Bloom Scholarship Committees will be come the Leadership Development Committee.

• The Farrier Assistance and Membership Committees will become the Membership Development Committee.

• The PR/Communications and Social Media Committees will become the Public Relations Committee.

Directors will be appointed chairs or vice chairs of the committees. The chairs will be responsible for appointing subcommittee chairs and members for their committees.

AAPF/IAPF President Steve Prescott appointed the following committee chairs for 2017:

• Tim Cable of Blasdell, N.Y., will chair the Credentialing Committee.

• Mike Hayward of San Martin, Calif., will chair the Education Committee.

• Roy Bloom of Drummond, Wis., will chair the Finance Committee.

• Mike Bagley of Canton, Ohio, will chair the Leadership Development Committee.

• Cathy Lesperance of Fergus, Ontario, and Luke Farmer of Murillo, Ontario, will chair the Membership Development Committee.

• Curtis Burns of Royal Palm Beach, Fla., will chair the Public Relations Committee.