American Farriers Journal
News & Notes

Equine Cushing’s And Insulin Resistance Group Releases Film

December 25, 2016

The Equine Cushing’s and Insulin Resistance Group Inc. (ECIR Group Inc.) recently released a film titled, “The ECIR Group: NO Laminitis!

The 8-minute film provides an overview of how equine metabolic disorders have affected horses and their humans. Five equine caregivers describe the consequences of laminitis due to uncontrolled metabolic conditions and their results when using the ECIR Group protocol — Diagnosis, Diet, Trim, and Exercise (DDT+E). An overview of the history and work of the ECIR Group and how equine endocrine disease affects so many horses is discussed, resources for further information and links for immediate help are shared.

“The onset of laminitis can be overwhelming,” wrote President Jaini Clougher in a recent message. “We were seeking to make a positive informative message to show caregivers that there are protocols that work and there is hope. We further wished to show that metabolic issues can be prevented or can be managed successfully with the goal of no laminitis.”

The film was made possible by generous contributions from A Friend of the ECIR Group, California Trace, Forageplus and Uckele Health and Nutrition Inc.

The film was produced by 1013media of the San Francisco Bay area.

» Watch The Film