American Farriers Journal

The Four Cornerstones of Hoof Health: What Farriers and Horse Owners Need to Know

April 12, 2017

During this webinar, farrier Danvers Child and veterinarian Dr. Lydia Gray explore the bedrocks of healthy hooves.

You'll learn...

  • The importance of consistently-scheduled hoof care
  • The difference between controlled exercise and unstructured activity
  • How to identify wet and dry challenges that impact your horse's hooves every day
  • The role nutrition plays in building a healthy hoof

This Online Hoof-Care Classroom, brought to you by SmartPak, is eligible for one continuing education credit from the American Association of Professional Farriers. The AAPF/IAPF CE program does not automatically guarantee recognition of any CE credits by any state veterinary licensing board. Please check with your state’s board for approved CE events.