Central Garden & Pet Farnam Grand Champion Fly Repellent
Central Garden & Pet's Farnam Grand Champion Fly Repellent provides shine while repelling and killing flies, gnats and mosquitoes. Protection starts immediately after application.
In addition to providing shine and effective pest protection, Grand Champion is user-friendly, thanks to the 360-degree continuous-spray can. Even, consistent application means better coverage, and unlike trigger sprayers, the applicator requires no pumping motion. The can sprays at any angle, even upside down, making it ideal for spraying tricky spots, like bellies and back legs.
Unlike standard aerosol cans, there are zero propellants expelled with Grand Champion. Because the spray comes out at room temperature, there's less reaction when it contacts the horse's skin. The reduced spray noise is ideal for sensitive horses.
For more information, please visit farnam.com.