Welcome to the September Program of the...

2021 Virtual Clinic Series


Through January 31, 2022, you'll have exclusive access to a series of thought-provoking Virtual Clinic presentations, each focused on a specific monthly theme that is critical to the success of today's hoof-care practitioner.

September's theme is "Improving Product Use and Application," and the sessions below feature respected farriers, veterinarians and researchers delivering innovative, inspirational ideas to help you to better understand the products integral to the farrier industry.

Here's The Monthly Schedule of 2021 Virtual Clinic Series Themes:
 Therapeutic Shoeing (Watch Now)
March: Better Footcare Basics (Watch Now)
April: Shoeing for Specific Disciplines (Watch Now)
May: Managing Foot Diseases (Watch Now)
June: Anatomy and Biomechanics (Watch Now)
July: The Future of Evidence-Based Farriery (Watch Now)
August: Building a Better Business and Client Management (Watch Now)
September: Improving Product Use and Application (Now Available Below)


Thank you to our September sponsors for their support of the 2021 Virtual Clinic Series.


September Live Q&A Sessions and Panel Discussions

You are automatically signed up to attend live online Q&A Sessions and Panel Discussions that will be held throughout September. We will send you reminder notices via email for each session as the dates approach. If you are unable to join a live session, it will be recorded and posted to this page for later viewing on the follow business day.


Panel Session: "better practices for glueing horseshoes"

Saturday, September 25 @ 11 A.m. cdt



In this session, these farriers will share their best tips for working with adhesives in a variety of hoof-care applications.

This panel will consist of Steve Kraus, Curtis Burns and Jeff Newman. Steve Kraus is the Head of Farrier Services & Senior Lecturer, Cornell University. Curtis Burns is a farrier based in Wellington, Fla., known for his work with therapeutic applications and the Ployflex shoe. Jeff Newnham, a British farrier who is behind Pro-Glu.



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WEDNESDAY, September 29 @ 7 p.m. cdT



In this session, some of the speakers from the 2021 Virtual Clinic series answer your questions about farriery. This panel represents a wide variety of footcare practices. The session will feature, Pat Reilly, Gary Gullo and Bob Smith.



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Premium Sponsor: Work Sharp Tools

Work Sharp has been creating sharpening tools since 1973 under the brands DAREX industrial bit sharpeners, DRILL DOCTOR professional and DIY drill bit sharpeners, and Work Sharp knife and tool sharpeners. A 4th generation family-owned business located in Ashland, Ore., Work Sharp exists to surprise and delight the customers who buy and use our products. “At our core we focus first on the experience the customer has with our products, and our company.

From the first introduction they have with our brands to support after purchase, we strive to stand apart from mediocrity. As we move into the future with new products, new markets, and new ideas this will continue to be the cornerstone of what we do.”– Matthew Bernard, Owner & CEO. Work Sharp has established itself as the company people turn to when the want a sharp knife. With easy-to-use products that literally guide you through the process, Work Sharp is making the mystique that often comes with sharpening disappear. With intuitive products, world class customer service, and an educational series on their YouTube channel, anyone can go from having never sharpened before to sharping all their knives with confidence.

Learn more at: http://www.worksharptools.com/

Watch These On-Demand Sessions Now

You may now begin watching each on-demand session featured below discussing the improving business practices and client relations. These sessions will remain available for viewing through January 31, 2022.

Increase Your Profit with Basic Shoe Modifications

Paul Skaggs, MS, CJF, APF, Fults, Ill.

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Skills in modifying shoes will not only improve your ability to help horses, but Fults, Ill., farrier Paul Skaggs says that using these skills decreases your expenses. In this lecture, he’ll share how using these five simple shoe modifications will help decrease inventory and increase profit margins. But it makes more than good business sense. Honing your skill with these basic tips will help those horses with specific needs addressed by these modifications. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or a seasoned farrier in need of a refresher, this session will help you.

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Shoe Modifications: The Business Breakdown

Paul Skaggs, MS, CJF, APF, Fults, Ill.

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Earlier in his career, Paul Skaggs cold shod every horse. After developing his practice and committing to shoeing full-time, he focuses on improving his skills at the forge and anvil with his horses. In this continuation of his first lecture, Skaggs gets into the actual numbers behind shoe modifications and their impact on your business. Doing the math on these modifications to maximize profit margins by minimizing overhead.

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Practical Advice for Using Pour-In Pads

Todd Allen, CJF, Vandergrift, Pa.

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Todd Allen is a farrier based in Vandergrift, Pa. In this session, Allen reviews techniques that have benefited him in this practice.

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Adhesive Options In Relation To Foot Type

Stuart Muir, CJF, APF-I, NZCEF, DipWCF, Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, Lexington, Ky.

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Glue is a widely used solution for a variety of hoof-care problems. Stuart Muir of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Ky., finds there is much that the everyday practitioner needs to consider. In this presentation, he will cover shoe selection, determining when you use which method depending on the foot type, modifications, tips and case studies. He will examine both direct and indirect methods.

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4 Solid Modifications To Use With Keg Shoes

Bob Smith, APF-I, CF, Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School

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Bob Smith is a Hall Of Fame farrier and owner of the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School in Plymouth, Calif. In this session, Smith reviews a few shoeing modifications that are crucial for every farrier.

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Fluoroscopy: How Can We Learn Through Gait Analysis

Jenny Hagen, DVM, PhD, CF., Leipzig University

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High-speed fluoroscopy kinematography is a novel technique in gait analysis. With the relative newness of this technology, we’re just beginning to scratch the surface on what we can learn. Leipzig University researcher Jenny Hagen will outline this innovative tool, the methods for using it and link to equine podiatry. She’ll also forecast the possibilities with it, while also keeping everything grounded by outlining the limitations of this tool.

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Shoeing Strategies — Covering ‘Normal’ Through Pathologies

Scott Morrison, DVM, CJF, Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, Lexington, Ky.

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Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital vet Scott Morrison has been in practice for more than 25 years. In that time, he’s earned keen insight on footcare strategies to work based on addressing principles of footcare. In this fast-paced session, he’ll run through shoeing the normal horse to dealing with many pathology types. Spending just a couple minutes per topic, the Hall Of Famer will briefly discuss the origin of a problem and the dos and don’ts when managing it.

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Hoof Wall Rebuilds: Combining The Old And The New

Mark SIlverman, DVM, Rancho Sante Fe, Calif.

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In this session, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., veterinarian and farrier Mark Silverman will discuss the basics and mechanics of repairing the hoof wall. Silverman will pull samples from his California clinic and how he and the resident farrier approach the application. A severe case study will demonstrate the need for understanding this footcare application.

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Looking Inside The Horse’s Hoof: How Can Advanced Imaging Help Farriers?

Renate Weller, Dr. Med.Vet, PhD, MRCVS, FHEA, Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary.

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Advanced imaging techniques like magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and computerized tomography scans are powerful diagnostic tools. But each has a distinctly different function. Renate Weller will survey each of these tools and explain their role in diagnosing problems within the foot and limb. She will use illustrative case histories to help explain the use of advanced imaging for managing foot lamenesses.

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Improving Product Use and Application

Matt Maurer, Farrier, Knifesmith, Argyle, Wis.

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You have knife sharpening all figured out, right? Guess again. No matter what brand knife you use or how often you sharpen it, you’ll look at knives differently after seeing this talk. Argyle, Wis., farrier and knifesmith Matt Maurer will completely dissect the sharpening process, giving insight with microscopic detail.

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Questions about the International Hoof-Care Summit?

Contact American Farriers Journal
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To learn about sponsorship opportunities contact Jeremy McGovern
at (262) 777-2410 or jmcgovern@lessitermedia.com

To learn about group attendance discounts contact Dallas Ziebell
at (262) 777-2412 or dziebell@lessitermedia.com

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