Built around the theme “Where Hoofcare Comes First,” the 2019 International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, which will be Jan. 22-25 welcomes keynote speaker, farrier and veterinarian, Dr. Steve O’Grady.
During an informative Hoof-Care Classroom session on Wednesday, Jan. 23, "Interpretations Of Radiographs For Farriers," Dr. O’Grady will review how proper radiographs benefit the farrier, providing attendees with helpful insight on radiographs that can benefit the trim and the application strategies for horses they work with. During his Wednesday afternoon General Session, "Low Heels/Sheared Heels: Two Common Conundrums For The Farrier," O'Grady will explore the etiology and biomechanics associated with both low heels/sheared heels and present farriery options for improvement. During his Thursday Morning General Session, "Appropriate Farriery Of The Hind Limb," O'Grady will address the etiology of hind foot conformation, the biomechanics and the appropriate farriery, giving attendees a better understanding of the hind limb and how they can better influence it.
A Discussion with Dr. Stephen O'Grady

Executive Editor and Publisher of American Farriers Journal, Jeremy McGovern, chats with Dr. Stephen O'Grady about what attendees will take away from his three lectures at the 2019 Summit.
To learn more about Dr. O’Grady’s sessions and other sessions that will be featured during this 4-day learning and networking event, visit IHCS2019.com
A Early Bird registration rate of $394 is available through Jan. 2, 2019, offering a $35.00 discount off the full rate of $429. Registration can be made online or by calling (262) 432-0388 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CT, Monday-Friday.
Educational Partners sponsoring the 16th annual International Hoof-Care Summit include: Life Data Labs, Equine Digital Support System, Castle Plastics, The Equine Lameness Prevention Organization (ELPO), Vettec and SmartPak.