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Click the "Start Reset Process" button and a new window will open that looks like this:
Start Reset Process
Enter the email address of your user account and click submit. You will be emailed a verification code and a link that will take you to this screen: (Email will come from Look in SPAM folder if it doesn't arrive within a few minutes.)
Type in your email address, paste in the verification code, and enter a password. Enter the same password in the confirmation field. The last two must match. Click SUBMIT. If everything matches then you will get confirmation of a successful password change.
If you don't receive the Verification Code or if after completing these steps, you still can't login then contact Customer Service at 1.800.277.1570 or 1.847.513.6059 between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Central Time, M-F. Or email us: