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Radiographs can help spot structural changes within a laminitic foot and serve as an essential guide when trimming and shoeing a horse with chronic laminitis, says Stephen O'Grady. O'Grady cites different chronic laminitis cases to illustrate radiographic interpretation, application to the foot and reveal eventual outcomes. (Total Run Time: 1 hour, 4 minutes; File size: 58 Megabytes)
ViewMitch Taylor, owner and operator of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School will walk you step-by-step through the all-important anatomy of the distal limb in this on-stage dissection from the 2011 International Hoof-Care Summit. Taylor delivers an understanding of the distal limb that will help you effectively develop strategies to avoid negative effects of trimming/shoeing.
ViewMitch Taylor reviews the structure of the upper hind limb during this on-stage leg dissection, concentrating on the functional anatomy and biomechanics and what it means in your daily footcare work.