Murdoch Method’s Sure Foot Equine pads were created to change the posture, behavior and movement in horses through self-awareness. The standard pads are 12 x 10 x 2 in. Using Sure Foot with horses allows them to change habitual patterns that negatively impact their balance, posture and movement.

While the standard pad may be used while being trimmed or shod, they can be too much of a challenge for the horse. Physiopads were designed with farriers in mind to make horses more comfortable and therefore safer for the farrier to work on.

Phyiospads come in full and half sizes. Each size has a 1-in. hard side working surface and a 0.5-in. medium surface. The pad has a lifetime warranty against delamination or breakage. Nicks, cuts and small tears are considered normal wear and tear, which will not impact pad function.

Physiopads work with horses of all breeds and weights. They are engineered from non-porous, high-impact, medical-grade foams. They clean up with brush or soap and water and are also great to kneel on.

For more information, please visit