American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
Are you adequately protecting you and your hoof-care practice? Chances are you’re not.
According to the 2019 Farrier Business Practices Report, conducted by American Farriers Journal, the vast majority of full-time farriers (95%) have some type of medical insurance. Yet, farriers are woefully underinsured in areas such as life (61%), disability (26%) and liability (46%).
In my previous article (Understand the 4 Facets of Wealth Management, January/February 2019), I shared how insurance plays a role in wealth management, some of the types of insurance that should be implemented by your farrier business, and why. Now let’s consider three common mistakes made by small business owners when it comes to insurance.
Insurance is a complex field filled with many different products offered by many different carriers. You need to be educated in the field and be familiar with the workings of the industry. Many people think that insurance is as easy as buying the cheapest policy they can find. Often…