What Hoof Capsule Characteristics Most Impact Trimming, Shoeing?
When it comes to evaluating the importance of various external characteristics of the hoof capsule prior to trimming and shoeing, 98% of farriers indicated the coronary band is the most important thing to examine. This is followed by 97% of farriers who look carefully at the sole, 97% who examine the frog and 95% who evaluate the hoof wall from the top.
Some 95% consider the heel bulbs, 95% place emphasis on examining the hoof wall from the bottom and 94% take a look at the white lines. Some 94% examine the bars while 88% evaluate the collateral sulci.
— Survey of attendees at 2019 International Hoof-Care Summit
Fewer Thoroughbred Mares Being Bred
Mainly due to changes in the federal tax laws pertaining to the depreciation of horses that offered tax sheltering incentives for breeding horses, only 19,925 Thoroughbred foals were registered in 2018. This compares with a record high Thoroughbred foal crop of 51,296 in 1986.
— 2018 American Farriers Journal reader poll
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