This page lists material that supplements the September/October 2019 issue of American Farriers Journal.
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Gain more Club Foot insight from Simon Curtis by:
- Listening to the American Farriers Journal Podcast in which Curtis discusses his family history with farriery, education and discoveries regarding hoof growth in foals and his experiences as an authority on hooves.
- Reading “Understanding Hoof Shape,” which is an extract from Chapter 3 of his book The Hoof of the Horse.
- Watching “Finding Success,” in which Curtis and fellow Hall of Fame farriers Randy Luikart and Chris Gregory share their experiences finding success in the farriery industry and advice for how other farriers can find success in their practice.
(Supplement to "Defining and Treating a Club Foot" on page 16.)
Mapping the Equine Hoof
(Supplement to "A Legacy Of Honoring The Horse" on page 24.)
Enhance your knowledge about equine anatomy by:
- Reading “A Glossary of Therapeutic Farriery Terms.”
- Watching “Anatomy Review: Lower Limb Form and Function.”
(Supplement to "Know the Horse Inside and Out" on page 42.)
Gain more insight about laminitis by:
- Reading “Preventing and Managing the Most Common Form of Laminitis” which looks at strategies to keep horses more comfortable and limit lamini-tis progression.
- Watching the Online Hoof-Care Classroom presentation “Laminitis: Research and Recommendations on Management for Horse Owners and Horse Care Professionals” in which James Orsini provides a comprehen-sive look at the disease as well as tips for prevention.
(Supplement to "Farriers Play Crucial Role in Laminitis Prevention" on page 47.)
Watch videos with Steve Stanley to learn
- How to make this jig for cutting pads.
- Efficiency tips from his shop layout at the Red Mile in Lexington, Ky. — Coming Soon
- Two tool tips for your everyday work. — Coming Soon
(Supplement to "Thinking Outside the Box for Efficiency" on page 52.)
Check out more tool maintenance and safety tips
- Watching “Protect Your Eyes” a video in which Dan Bradley discusses the financial toll of losing an eye.
- Downloading American Farriers Journal eGuide “Sharpening Knives with a Buffer.” You’re just four steps away from a longer lasting, better cutting knife.
(Supplement to "Simple Strategies to Extend Your Tool Life" on page 54.)
Gain more insight about insurance from David Barron
- “Avoid These Three Common Insurance Mistakes” in which Barron looks at the mistakes small business-owners frequently make when considering insurances.
- “Understand the Four Facets of Wealth Management” which offers a look at money management practices as they pertain to insurances and beyond.
(Supplement to "Can You Afford Not to Have Insurance?" on page 78.)
Gain more insight about equine supplements by:
- Reading “Hoof Supplements: Feeding the Foot,” which details what to look for to determine whether a product is working.
- Watching the American Farriers Journal Online Hoof-Care Classroom “Equine Nutrition and Hoof Health” in which Dr. Christine Skelly of Michigan State University discusses nutrition’s role in healthy feet.
- Consulting the National Animal Supplement Council member list to determine which supplement manufacturers have undergone a comprehensive quality audit and earned the NASC Seal of Quality.
(Supplement to "Educate Yourself Before Recommending Supplements" on page 90.)
Gain more insight on handling difficult horses by:
- Reading “Wrongful Death Ruling Empowers Farriers.”
- Downloading “20 Safety Tips for Clients Handling Horses for Farriers and Vets.”
- Watching “Techniques for Lifting a Belligerent Horse’s Foot.”
(Supplement to "Strategies for Working with Diffi cult Horses" on page 84.)