American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
The most important tool of the farrier trade is the mind’s eye. Developing a highly trained eye is the key to consistently bringing horses’ feet to their proper parameters. There are three tools that, if used correctly, have the potential to not only speed up the development process, they can also confirm everything your eye is telling you, regardless of skill set.
After more than 4 decades of using dividers, the Ward & Story Hoof Protractor and a tape measure, my findings have been consistent. These tools are reliable and won’t lie. The dividers and hoof protractor are mainly used to transfer toe length and angle to the opposing foot. The hoof protractor is also used to confirm a flat foot surface. Keep in mind, you have to be consistent with the protractor. It must be set firmly on the foot in the exact position each time. An eye centering aid that is incorporated into the protractor that aligns with the point of the frog works well. Also, keep in mind in regard to angle, we know…