
Will Insurers Require Farrier Liability Coverage?

Increasingly, insurance companies want farriers to carry a liability policy to work in their customers’ barns

Pictured Above: As more carriers require their customers to use insured farriers, make sure you will be prepared to add liability coverage if uninsured

Farrier Takeaways

  • Insurance carriers are requiring farriers who work at customers’ barns to carry liability insurance.
  • Having a client sign a release form will provide some legal protection should you become involved in an accident at the facility.
  • Liability insurance may be a wise investment even if you work on lower cost horses because many owners view the horse as a family member.

Even with new products filling supply shop shelves every year and initiatives in farrier-based scientific research, the farrier industry isn’t one for swift and universal change. Lexi Barron says insurance is somewhat similar. The Snohomish, Wash., attorney and insurance broker notes that the insurance industry can be old fashioned. But old-fashioned doesn’t mean that impactful changes don’t occur.

As a broker, Barron must identify trends that will affect her clients and then educate them on what’s coming and how to respond. With a background in equine law and insurance, as well as being the spouse of a former farrier, she has a unique vantage point to monitor what insurance trends could affect the hoof-care industry. Together with her husband David Barron, they own the insurance brokerage Barron Equine. One change she sees emerging is more barns requiring farriers to carry liability insurance. By understanding what is prompting this change, and liability insurance, you can be better prepared to make adjustments to your insurance…

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher of American Farriers Journal.

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