This page lists material that supplements the May/June 2020 issue of American Farriers Journal.

Gain other farriers advice on determining what it costs you to shoe a horse by:

(Supplement to "Your Cost to Shoe a Horse Determines Your Financial Success" on page 18.)

Gain tips on selling products to clients from farriers who have successfully built it in their practices by:

(Supplement to "Trust the Product Before You Promote to Clients" on page 30)

Gain more insight on apprentices by:

(Supplement to "Tips for hiring Better Help" on page 34.)

Gain more insight on this therapeutic shoeing and working for vet clinics by:

(Supplement to "So You Want to Shoe for a Vet Clinic" on page 44.)

Gain more insight from Dr. Doug Butler

(Supplement to "Mastering the Basics Should be the Goal" on page 60.)