This page lists material that supplements the May/June 2020 issue of American Farriers Journal.
Gain other farriers advice on determining what it costs you to shoe a horse by:
Understanding how costs change from another analysis by Pat Broadus written in 2018, "How Much Does It Cost You to Shoe a Horse?"
Reading a guide from California farrier and supply shop owner Adam Wynbrandt, "Understand What You Need to Charge."
Learning tips from Hall of Fame shoer Margie Lee Gustafson that she gained over her career in the article "How Much Should You Charge Per Horse?"
(Supplement to "Your Cost to Shoe a Horse Determines Your Financial Success" on page 18.)
Gain tips on selling products to clients from farriers who have successfully built it in their practices by:
(Supplement to "Trust the Product Before You Promote to Clients" on page 30)
Gain more insight on apprentices by:
Reading “Primary Education and the Need for an Apprenticeship,” in which Kentucky Horseshoeing School owner Mitch Taylor details what a farrier school graduate and a mentor should expect before starting a working relationship.
Watching “Running an Apprenticeship Program,” in which Burgaw, N.C., farrier Ritner Goff explains how he operates his apprentice program.
Reading “Establish Expectation with an Apprentice Early to Save Time,” in which Redmond, Ore., farrier Trevor Hall shares the guidelines he offers his associates.
(Supplement to "Tips for hiring Better Help" on page 34.)
Gain more insight on this therapeutic shoeing and working for vet clinics by:
Registering for a VIP account to watch Nicholas Denson’s Farrier Business Success Academy Presentation, “Therapeutic Shoeing: Making it Worth Your Investment.”
Reading “Preventing and Treating White Line Disease.”
(Supplement to "So You Want to Shoe for a Vet Clinic" on page 44.)
Gain more insight from Dr. Doug Butler
[PDF Download] Reading “In Defense of Tradition and Commons Sense,” in which Butler emphasizes the importance of mastering traditional farriery techniques.
Reading “What Horse Owners and Farriers Should Expect from One Another,” in which Butler stresses that your success hinges on meeting expectations.
Reading “Increase Your Chances Of Successful Mechanical Treatment For Life-Threatening Founder,” in which Butler offers advice to help your clients understand the severity of the disease and following mechanical and medical treatments.
(Supplement to "Mastering the Basics Should be the Goal" on page 60.)