This page lists material that supplements the March issue of American Farriers Journal.
Tips for Tuning a Punch
Watch American Farriers Team member Adam Fahr of Paragould, Ark., demonstrate how he tunes a punch.
(Supplement to "Contents" on page 6.)
Gain more insight on forging by:
- Reading “Bridge Analogy Improves Forging,” in which California farriers Tiffany Gardner and Jonathan Lambert explain how steel reacts to supported and unsupported hammer blows.
- Watching “Using the Bridge Analogy for Forging Horseshoes,” in which Lambert demonstrates how to move metal more efficiently.
- Reading “The Man with a Plan,” in which Hall of Fame farrier Billy Crothers shares how to improve your forging efficiency.
(Supplement to "How to Recognize and Create Hoof Shapes" on page 14.)
Randy Luikart
Gain more insight from International Hall of Fame Farrier Randy Luikart by reading:
(Supplement to "Support: What is it? " on page 30.)
2022 Hall of Fame Nominations
Nominate your top picks for the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame and International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame:
- International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame Nomination Form
- International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Dr. Jenny Hagen
Gain more insight from Dr. Jenny Hagen by reading:
- Reading “Effects of Trimming on Shape and Dimensions of the Hoof Capsule as Well as on the Phalangeal Alignment,” in which Hagen analyzes the effects of three trimming methods.
- Reading “How Trimming Methods Infl uence Equine Gait and Load,” in which Hagen’s research utilized a pressure measuring system to analyze the effects of three trimming protocols.
- Reading “The Horse in Motion,” in which Hagen analyzes what a horse’s movement means when trimming and shoeing.
(Supplement to "How Shoe Modifications Change Pressure Distribution" on page 34.)
Fred Cleveland
Gain more insight from Fred Cleveland by reading:
- "Horseshoeing 101" in which Cleveland shares the information he likes to gather about the horse before he even touches it.
- "Here are 104 Of The Best Of The Best Shoeing Ideas" in which Cleveland and other farriers offer their best hoof-care and business advice.
(Supplement to "Hall of Fame Farrier Fred Cleveland" on page 45.)
Hoof Crack Repair
Gain more insight on choosing the proper shoe by:
- Downloading the free eGuide “Tackling Those Extra Tough Hoof Crack Concerns,” in which veteran farriers share their experiences with specific cases.”
- Watching “Treating a Quarter Crack,” in which Maryland farrier Doug Anderson works on a difficult case.
- Reading “Taking a Crack at Hoof Wall Defects,” in which the late Red Renchin discusses how failures occur and shares techniques that farriers can use to help them heal.
(Supplement to "Ladder Method Elevates Crack Repair" on page 48.)
Arizona's Badass Rigs & Trailers
Check out Arizona farrier Eric Billingsley's Certified Badass Trailer in this video sponsored by Anvil Brand:
Supplement to "Time-tested Rig Proves its Worth" on page 56.)
Gain more insight on choosing the proper shoe by:
- Reading “The Pros and Cons of Top Dressing the Foot,” in which farriers discuss the benefits, potential problems and the value beyond cosmetic appearances.
- Reading Dr. Eleanor Kellon’s thoughts on ““What Role Do Fats and Waxes Play in the Equine Diet When it Comes to Hoof Quality?”
(Supplement to "Should it Stay or Should it Go?" on page 62.)