A Shoe Fit for a Farrier

Conformation is an important consideration when choosing equine and human footwear

Editorial note: This is the third in a three-part series in which human and equine chiropractor Patricia Bona explores the significance of proper shoe fit and how to achieve it.

Part 1: Footcare Fit for a Farrier
Part 2: A Sound Farrier Needs Proper Fitting Shoes

Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? What is it about those shoes that you like? Is it the fit or is it the style that makes you prefer this option over others in your closet? More than likely it comes down to the fit.

Just as in the case of horses’ hooves, conformation of feet can vary greatly in humans. Some people have long toes, others have short toes; some feet are narrow and some are wide. Recognizing conformation is critical when you select shoes or boots. Just as you would no sooner put an aluminum racing plate on a plow horse, the form of your shoe must fit the function of your foot and intended activity.

Farrier Takeaways

  • Approach your own footgear as you would a horse. Decide whether the shape and the balance of the shoe is appropriate for your foot and the work you do.
  • When you find a pair of shoes you like, buy multiple pairs so you can have a backup ready if needed.
  • Keep…
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Pat bona 2018

Dr. Patricia Bona

Dr. Patricia Bona, D.C. is a chiropractor for humans and animals (AVCA Certified since 1994), the co-founder of Broad Axe Chiropractic Center and inventor of the Posture Prep Cross Fiber Grooming system for horses. She has also spoken at such events as the International Hoof-Care Summit and Equine Affaire. Visit her at drpatbona.com.

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