Online Extras: May/June 2021

This page lists material that supplements the March issue of American Farriers Journal.

Why Farriers Get Fired

  • Data from nearly 1,500 surveyed horse owners dealing with changing farriers is summarized in "Why Horse Owners Tell Farriers… “You’re Fired!”" of the January/February 2021 issue of American Farriers Journal.
  • Or download “Why Horse Owners Tell Farriers, You’re Fired!” – Coming Soon

Supplement to "Attitudes about Farriers are Improving" on page 13.

Shoeing For A Living Shaun Woodsum

  • 1997 Cultural Exchange trip – Coming Soon
  • Q&A with Shoeing for a Living Farrier – Coming Soon

Supplement to "Sharing His Passion and Knowledge" on page 16.

Randy Luikart

  • Read other essays by Randy Luikart that may lead you to rethink commonly held hoof-care beliefs among farriers. – Coming Soon

Supplement to "Understanding What We Mean by 'Toe Length' " on page 24.

Gain more insight on frog support by

Supplement to "The Many Options for Creating Frog Support" on page 32.

Gain more insight on working with sedated horses by:

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