The horse must be a farrier’s top priority, even when it doesn’t help their wallet or popularity, says Craig Trnka, left, of Edgewood, N.M.-based World Championship Blacksmiths.

Briefings: July/August 2021

Pictured Above: Craig Trnka (left) working with an attendee at a farrier clinic in Wisconsin.

Continuing Education: Always Keep the Horse Your Top Priority

Craig Trnka is one of the most sought after clinicians for farrier education. Through his experiences of traveling around the globe to educate farriers, he says the clinician should focus on helping the audience keep the horse their No. 1 priority.

“In the horseshoeing industry, what is good for the horse isn’t necessarily going to benefit your checkbook or make you popular in society,” says the Hall of Fame farrier from Edgewood, N.M. “We’re discussing form and function, not popularity. I wouldn’t tell you what to do if it isn’t good for the horse. Making lots of money, a fancy rig or owning a home earned from your work as a farrier shouldn’t be your moral compass for what is right or wrong. It should be what’s good for the horse.” 

Trnka shared his thoughts with attendees of the Wisconsin Farrier’s Association contest and clinic in May at NEW Farrier Supply in Pulaski, Wis.

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Montana State University farrier Diego Almeida recommends veterinarians learn equine biomechanics to better communicate with farriers.

Communication Bridges the Veterinarian-Farrier Relationship

Veterinarian-farrier relationships often fracture due to poor communication. One cause of failed communication by either party is the inability to get on the same page. According to Diego Almeida, the actual problem can occur when both sides aren’t speaking the same equine language.

“Many veterinarians do not understand the biomechanical effects…

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