Farrier Lee Olsen establishes boundaries to separate personal and work times.
Lee Olsen keeps his hoof-care clients on a 5-week schedule and maintains a 9 a.m.-5 p.m. workday. Establish boundaries to separate personal and work times.                

Set Boundaries for a Successful Farrier Practice

Pictured Above: Lee Olsen keeps his hoof-care clients on a 5-week schedule and maintains a 9 a.m.-5 p.m. workday. Establish boundaries to separate personal and work times.

Farrier Takeaways

  • Establish a schedule and hours of operation that you are comfortable with. Don’t sacrifice what’s important to you to shoe a horse.
  • Scheduling clients on a 5-week schedule will make it easier to maintain the horse’s feet, reduce the number of lost shoes and increase the number of resets.
  • Grading clients will help you identify bottom-end clients, raise your rates and cull those who cost you money.

Farriers are self-employed small business owners. Each one of us wants to work hard and earn lots of money. That’s possible, and with a little thought, we can make just as much money with the same amount of effort or less.

We all have 24 hours to accomplish what we want to on a given day. Each of us has priorities that are important to us — family, friends, hobbies, work and whatnot. We can achieve this by setting boundaries

Drawing Lines

I run a multi-farrier practice that I send my guys out to quality local accounts. I typically work from home. The majority of my clients haul their horses to me 4 days a week. I go out to one big place a week. One of the lines that I’ve drawn is I don’t work weekends anymore because I’m a family man and I enjoy being with them and doing whatever they’re doing.

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Lee olsen

Lee Olsen

Lee Olsen, CJF, APF is a certified journeyman farrier from Brock, Texas. Online courses are coming soon to olsenequine.com

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