American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
On The Cover: Farrier Randy Luikart (left) and veterinarian Adam Pendleton (right) hosting a clinic for hoof-care professionals to discuss pathologies and shoeing solutions using cadaver limbs. Pendleton also is a certified journeyman farrier. Evening or weekend educational clinics at veterinary clinics are effective ways to bridge stronger relationships between a veterinary practice and local farriers.
When friction occurs in the veterinarian-farrier relationship the likely culprit is failed communication. That’s a large umbrella. Poor communication in this dynamic could be failing to return a phone call. Another example is relaying a message to the other party through a client, who misinterprets the information, and unknowingly creates strife
What about communication when it comes to determine the footcare solution? Although most farriers say they have strong, working relationships (77% report minimal issues with the majority of veterinarians they work with in hands-on cases), when the relationship does break down the most common cause was related to the shoeing prescription. An American Farriers Journal survey of farriers identified this as “a veterinary preference for specific shoe type vs. principles; not knowing other footcare options.”
I think this fits under that broad label of communication. But trying to address this is complex. Veterinarians have varied expertise levels related to footcare, as do farriers and their knowledge and skill level. Conflict can occur here because the solution may be inappropriate for this horse and all of the variables it presents. Also, a specific shoeing solution limits a farrier, who may be more skilled in using a different modality that would be suitable for the solution.
At American Farriers Journal, we have served the farrier industry for more than 45 years. Our goal is to help these footcare practitioners so that they, in turn, can help the horse. That is the purpose of this special publication. To provide farrier insight…