American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
During the different stages of rehabilitation, the effect of shoeing interacts with changing conditions with regard to keeping and mobility of the horse. Therefore, the applied shoeing requires specific adaptation during the rehabilitation process.
Different orthopedic concepts have been established to treat disorders of the suspensory ligament and the digital flexor tendons (see “Fetlock Support Aids Tendon and Ligament Injuries,” American Farriers Journal January/February 2021). One approach is relieving affected tendons and ligaments by changing the toe angulation
The biomechanical principle described by Denoix et al. states that a steeper hoof angle lowers the middle and proximal phalanx with more extension in the fetlock joint. According to this group, this relieves the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and the navicular region, but places more strain on the suspensory ligament and the superficial flexor tendon (SDFT). The opposite occurs with a lower hoof angulation, causing more strain on the DDFT and the navicular region and relief of the suspensory ligament and the SDFT. Since practical work showed that these principles are not valid for all patients affected by tendon or suspensory ligament injuries, the author’s research on this topic has been performed (Hagen et al. 2018). In the following, the main findings are concluded: