Each day, American Farriers Journal encounters a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at an aspect of the equine industry. Our favorite content for "This Week" is aggregated here. We hope it offers a useful tip to improve your hoof-care business, expands your knowledge by giving you something new to ponder, or entertains you when you need a break most.
- The Hoof of the Horse Podcast: Michael Wildenstein
- Tool Maintenance
- Hoof Trim Basics
- The Bars
- Trimming and Shoeing Horses
The Hoof of the Horse Podcast: Michael Wildenstein
In this episode, International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member Michael Wildenstein, FWCF (Hons), CJF, APF, covers an extensive range of hoof-care topics including quarter cracks, the differences between donkey and horse hooves, the Worshipful Company of Farriers fellowship, infections of hoof wall and their treatments, heel length in shoeing, suspensory ligament desmitis and much more.
Tool Maintenance
In this video from the American Farrier’s Assoociation, International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member Jim Poor, CJF, discusses tool maintenance during the 50th annual AFA Convention in Arlington, Texas.
Hoof Trim Basics
In this video from Farrier Product Distribution, Roy Bloom, CJF, APF-I, trims the left front foot of this horse at a clinic hosted by Tennessee Farrier Supply and sponsored by FPD. The International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member always works very methodically after doing careful evaluation of the hoof and limb.
The Bars
In this Facebook post, Lindsey Field demonstrates what she found when slicing through the wall/heel/bar interface of a cadaver foot.
Trimming and Shoeing Horses
In this Facebook Live video from Vagabond Forge and Farrier, Oklahoma farrier Cody Franklin, CJF, discusses trimming and shoeing horses.
Check out "This Week" from Jan. 2 for other interesting information found from around the web. Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.