Each day, American Farriers Journal encounters a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at an aspect of the equine industry. Our favorite content for "This Week" is aggregated here. We hope it offers a useful tip to improve your hoof-care business, expands your knowledge by giving you something new to ponder, or entertains you when you need a break most.
Hoof-Care Highlights is brought to you by Meader Supply.
Committed to three things — our customers, quality, and quick shipments —we are proud to be the largest farrier supply store in New England, serving farriers all across the country.
- Farrier Focus Podcast: Dan Bradley
- Shoeing Techniques
- EHV or EHM: What’s the Difference?
- Hoof of the Horse Podcast: Craig Trnka
- Taking Care of the Details
Farrier Focus Podcast: Dan Bradley
In this episode, International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member Dan Bradley talks about lessons he has learned through the years, insights into the history of tools and manufacturing, how he developed the specialty of working and shoeing with aluminum, some of his most memorable experiences and his views on licensing and certification.
Shoeing Techniques
In this Facebook video, North East, Md., farrier Ian McKinlay discusses the shoes that he uses.
EHV or EHM: What’s the Difference?
In this Facebook post, the Equine Disease Communication Center details the differences between the equine herpesvirus (EHV) and equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM).
Hoof of the Horse Podcast: Craig Trnka
In this episode, Hall of Fame farrier Simon Curtis talks with fellow Hall of Famer Craig Trnka. “I really enjoyed recording this podcast with Craig Trnka at the International Hoof-Care Summit last month,” Curtis says. “We might have covered more in these 40 mins than I ever have in an episode.”
Taking Care of the Details
Every shoeing job involves a lot of details from start to finish. In this video from Farrier Product Distribution, Bobby Menker, CJF, APF-I, tends to some of those details as he gets a Kerckhaert Steel Comfort Sport shoe with pad ready to nail up on this pleasure horse.
Check out “This Week” from Feb. 20 for other interesting information found from around the web. Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.
Hoof-Care Highlights is brought to you by Meader Supply.
We have a complete and extensive line of quality farrier products. Everything you need to shoe horses. From tools and aprons to shoes, nails and much more, we have the most up-to-date of what the farrier world has to offer. Committed to three things — our customers, quality, and quick shipments — we are proud to be the largest farrier supply store in New England, serving farriers all across the country.