David “RJ” Justice was awarded the Weldon and Nancy Stockwell Scholarship to attend Troy Price Horseshoeing School in Uniondale, Indiana, to become a farrier. The Christian Harness Horsemen’s Association (CHHA) noted Justice’s drive for becoming a farrier for their organization in their announcement.
Justice is a member of the Union Baptist Church in Richwood, Ohio where he has volunteered many hours in his community and through the FAA (formerly the Future Farmers of America). He is the recipient of the prestigious Star Greenhand Award, which is presented every year to the chapter’s most active first-year member who has plans for a strong, supervised agricultural experience program and has demonstrated leadership within the FFA. He also earned an FAA State Degree proving he is one of the top members in the Ohio FAA.
CHHA member Daniel Coate provided a strong recommendation for Justice. However, he did merrily tell Chaplain Lee Alphen, the CHHA’s executive director, that Justice would have to “fold up pretty good to get under a baby trotter to get those shoes on a short horse, since he is quite tall.
Every year, the CHHA awards three $1,000 scholarships to eligible riders and harness racers. The recipients of the awards must be enrolled in either high school or a secondary degree program and they must demonstrate a commitment to the Christian principles held by the organization.
The CHHA was established in 1983 by Weldon Stockwell in Sunbury, Ohio, to serve Jesus Christ in harness racing. Members around the United States, Canada and abroad are connected by a monthly newsletter highlighting members at various tracks, farms and training centers.