Supplement Increases Hoof Growth, Study Finds

Ohio State University scientists conducted an experiment with 10 healthy adult mares to determine whether supplementation with a commercial hoof supplement (LinPro) over a 32-week period would increase hoof growth rates among supplemented horses compared with controls fed the same ration but without the supplement.

All horses had normal-appearing hooves with no evidence of laminitis rings or other horn defects. Hoof growth was measured from a standardized reference mark below the coronary band when hooves were routinely trimmed every 8 weeks.

Although the difference was small (about half a centimeter) the supplemented horses had significantly more hoof growth over the 32-week period compared with the controls. There was no difference in biotin levels in the hoof wall, but the supplemented horses did have significantly higher biotin concentrations in their blood. Although the effect on hoof growth was small over the 32-week trial period, these results suggest supplementation with LinPro may be helpful to increase hoof growth rates.

Suagee-Bedore JK et al. JEVS 2022:104086

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Albert Kane

Albert J. Kane, DVM, MPVM, Ph.D.

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