Study Assesses Hoof Measuring Techniques

Australian researchers recently reported an assessment of hoof measuring techniques.

The study evaluated the reliability, repeatability and accuracy of a measuring tape to measure proximal hoof circumference (PHC) in comparison to photogrammetry (a technique that digitally combines multiple photographs to create a 3D image) and 3D scanning (considered the most accurate and the gold standard).

Five cadaver limbs were measured with each technique. The measuring tape and photogrammetry tended to overestimate PHC but only slightly (1 mm and 2 mm, respectively). Speed and reliability were good for the measuring tape (variation was +/-2 mm with a resolution of 1 mm) and the authors felt it was a good technique for clinical use.

— Shahkhosravi NA et al. JEVS 2022:104028

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Albert Kane

Albert J. Kane, DVM, MPVM, Ph.D.

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