American Farriers Journal
American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.
Thrush in the central sulcus of the frog can lead to tissue degradation and more severe problems, including hoof destabilization. Photo by: Cody Bogard
Thrush is a common problem in equine hoof care. The result of less-than-ideal environmental conditions coupled with poor hoof hygiene, thrush can range in severity from causing mild discomfort during hoof picking to outright lameness
As persistent as it can be, thrush is simple — if not easy — to treat. When applied correctly, over-the-counter topical medication will treat most cases of thrush. When good management strategies are employed, most horses will overcome thrush with no lasting effects.
According to Lydia Mudd, DVM, CF, of Janssen Veterinary Clinic in Cicero, Ind., thrush is a common hoof infection that may be caused by a variety of bacterial or fungal pathogens.
“Studies have been done where they’ve tried to culture and see if there is one specific pathogen that will grow, but it’s always a mixed population of microbes,” Mudd explains. “There’s not one bacteria or fungus we can look at and say is solely responsible for causing thrush.
“The clinical signs and the way the infection progresses are very similar regardless of the specific bacteria or fungi,”…